Folk from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs. Traditional recipes, tips and recommendations

Varicose veins ven hitting first in the rectum and feet, which is due to connective tissue weakness, difficulties outflow and insufficient strength of the valves. This is a disease provokes hard physical work, which is related to movement and lifting weights, as well as find its own feet for a long time. Furthermore, the occurrence and cause of a disease is often constipation. In some cases the disease, if pregnant, when the heavy uterus compresses the vein in a small bowl. In this article, we will talk about the folk from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs. But before that, we can know, what are the symptoms of the disease. Let's go on.

treatment varicose veins varicose veins on the feet of the people means

The symptoms of varicose veins feet

This disease of the vein lose their elasticity, stretch and expand in a few places, forming "nodes". These extended areas the speed of blood flow slows down, which is conducive to thrombosis. Vienna change shape and grow. In a few places they are transparent under the skin, and the other in the swell, forming "nodes". The symptoms of varicose veins in the feet are the expression of fatigue and swelling in the evening. And the skin on the lower limbs appear bluish, brown and brown spots.

It should be clearly understood that the treatment is most effective in its first stages. If all run, then you can help only surgical intervention. It must therefore be closely monitored for their own health, when the first symptoms act now. And will help you in this folk from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs.


He famously encourages the process of blood circulation. Also, this nut relieving inflammation of the veins. Prepare this medication are the following: whole nuts, grind in a coffee grinder or a broken latch. Then one-third of a teaspoon of the obtained powder, pour boiling water over and allow to cool to room temperature. Next add a spoon of honey and requires about 20 minutes. The obtained broth drink in the morning before breakfast. It is very important every day to eat a fresh portion of the powder. Because the essential oil will quickly erode and the drink loses its healing properties.

Ointments from varicose veins

A great help, when this disease. Ointment if varicose veins feet prepared based on vegetable oil. But frequently use olive oil, because it contains arachidonic acid. To add to the composition of the density is necessary to mix the melted animal fat. Also the process of manufacture it is recommended to use such plants:

  • wormwood;
  • maasiira;
  • cabbage;
  • celandine;
  • kalanchoe;
  • horse chestnut;
  • cream willow.

This mixture is easy to prepare. For example, the ointment is based on the hevoskastanja shall be taken as: 6 dried fruit ground into a flour, add 300 milligrams of oil, and 2 tablespoons of chopped flowers of the chestnut. The resulting mixture warm in a water bath for approximately 60 minutes. Then give the stand, remove the sediment, add the animal fat and stir. See, all you can immediately use the obtained ointment if varicose veins on the legs.

treatment varicose veins varicose veins on the legs with herbs


Treat suitable, not all, but only green tomatoes. How to treat varicose veins in this case? All is simple. Tomato is the need to double cut and make one of the halves of pulp of vienna, until starts to burn. Then the tomato harvested and washed in a plot of cold water. After this the mouth will make the other half. And so must be done four times. Three weeks notice blanšeerimine veins and nodes.


Even in ancient times received doctors varicose veins pregnancy feet kapsalehe of. Then they failed to explain the reasons for the effectiveness of the tools. It is now common knowledge that cabbage leaves contain a lot of microelements and vitamins. And they are so far continue to be used, when the compression treatment of varicose veins.

This is done so: cabbage leaves fighting back or rolled with a rolling pin. Then one of this sides to be smeared with oil and apply at the affected place. Fix worksheet need a bandage for one day. The next day all repeated. The general course of treatment – six.


This plant belongs to the category of "tools for varicose veins varicose veins on the legs, that the outer and inner application". In the first case, is made to compress, and the second – path.

Compress do so: ginger root, crush, mix with honey and apply a greater place for 3-4 hours. Effect to strengthen the worth wrap feet in a warm plaid.

Tea with ginger – this is not only a tool for the prevention of varicose veins, but the way to treat this disease at every stage. To eat it is quite simple: the need to cut from a small piece, pour boiling water over and let stand for about 15 minutes. It is worth noting that the regular intake of this tea not only normalizes blood circulation, but will have a beneficial effect on the metabolism. Therefore, this drink is so important to drink overweight people.


It is not very popular with folk from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs. But they are quite effective. The main element is all the images are in the way. Thus, if the skin on the feet is a loss, then it is worth trying another type of treatment.

The most efficient – tincture kalanchoe. Sometimes there to add comfrey, or the white acacia. Is ready medicine so: the leaves of kalanchoe finely chopped and put in cans. Then pour the vodka and the face two weeks in a dark place. Ready infusion to rub the problem places your feet two times a day through the three-month period.

Apple cider vinegar from the varicose veins on the legs

At the moment it is one of the most popular and best tools in the treatment of this disease. The thing is that the composition of the apple cider vinegar belongs to the more than 20 trace elements and minerals that are necessary for vessels. Well and, of course, vitamins C, b and A.

Regular use of this product allows you to achieve:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • raising the skin tone;
  • relieves the swelling;
  • strengthening the walls of veins.

But apple cider vinegar from the varicose veins on the legs will help but if use a natural product that is made from freshly squeezed juice. Some unscrupulous vendors will make this cream. This vinegar has no benefits.

How the oil are used to treat varicose veins?

With ointments, tinctures and vinegar actively use essential oils. Most commonly it is a wheel, linseed, that the cyminum, garlicky, sandalwood and more. So, what to do when varicose veins of the foot, if you have one of the above listed oils? There are two ways:

  • A few drops added to a warm bath. The key to this almost every day in the evenings.
  • And a couple more drops added to a cream (oil), when doing a massage if varicose veins feet. Derived from the consistency of the rub is a gentle movement is damaged.

Use the above mentioned oils not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but removes swelling of the feet.

Honey, beeswax sample, propolis and aliter of

These means of varicose veins varicose veins on the legs play a long history. When you delve into their composition, then immediately there is the obvious great benefit. But are not all listed products are available for residents of the metropolis.

The exception is honey. It can be purchased from any store. How to treat them varicose veins? The canvas is transferred to a thin layer of honey and apply to the roots of the veins inflammation. The top part of the wrapped film and compress. The first three days of the compress make two, three and four hours, respectively. Then it is left all night. Treatment – two to three weeks.


If you do not know, how to treat varicose veins feet women, then we recommend you to try this berry. Like ginger, it is used to prepare the vitaminized drink or compress.

In the first case the juice of elder mixed with honey (0.5 liters of juice – two tablespoons of honey). Drink this four times per day (two tablespoons). Treatment – 1.5 months.

To make the compress, berries to grind the status of slurry, put it into a cloth and apply to the inflammation of the division, the wound compress. Compress, that it is better to continue throughout the night.


Pumpkin is a very useful product, which contains a lot of microelements and vitamins. Treatment of varicose veins need to use the internal flesh of the fruit, pre-releasing him from seeds. This "medicine" rub leg distressed veins, then wrapped in a warm cloth and leave overnight. The rest of the meat shall be placed in safekeeping in the refrigerator. Treatment effects appeared immediately, therefore, to be some patience.


To be precise, then the treatment of varicose veins used is not itself the fruit and made out of ointment. Preparing it this way: in a glass jar put a layer of lard-thickness of 1.5 cm. Furthermore, the slices of cut fruit de marcus tullius. The layer should be about 1 cm. Then again going rasvik - and so until you get a full jar. It is very important, that last one was just a layer of fat. After that the bank be put in the oven or steam bath at low heat and is 24 hours. Obtained ointment cooled and rubbing it on problem areas a few times a day.

treatment varicose veins varicose veins on the feet of people like


Those who know how to treat varicose veins on the legs women have long been using this wonderful fruit. It's used both externally, in the form of compresses, so the inside. Is ready to compress both: wash the lemon cut into slices and applied to these veins inflammation which bandage. Worn it is throughout the day. In doing so, mugs of lemon make fresh 2-3 times.

Lemon juice cleans the blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Thus it citrus worth to add diet those people who started problems in the veins, or for those who wish to avoid their emergence.

Here is one of the best tools in traditional medicine against varicose veins: six lemons, squeeze the juice and mix it in a glass bowl with two cups of honey, three pages of the golden foot and five cloves of crushed garlic. The resulting mixture should be to pull in a dark place over seven days. Drink the medicine four teaspoonfuls times daily. The course of treatment – six.


This herbal use, if the varicose veins in the form of compresses.

Some peeled potato tubers has a broken latch and the overlap of the damaged region layer of one centimeter. All of this is packed from the top eight layers of gauze impregnated with the juice of the potatoes. This kind of compress applied to the four hours. It is very important to use your cooking only fresh tubers.


All existing varieties of clay treatment of varicose veins ideal for the blue. Many experts confirm the high efficiency of its impact on the damaged vein. If the varicose veins the clay used in the application form.

The implementation of the procedure of clay diluted with water until creamy state. Received consistency will be transferred to the problem areas duo layer, wrapped in a towel and kept for at least two hours. Then clay wash. Treatment – 1.5 months every day applications.

Fish oil

In most cases it is taken orally, to reduce the weight and to normalize metabolism. As is well known to slow metabolism and obesity are the main causes of varicose veins. But whether fish oil is one of the application.

His mix can be with a homogeneous ratio of 1:1. Received the ointment is transferred to the linen cloth and apply to the roots of the veins of the inflammation throughout the night.


Now that you know how to treat varicose veins in legs at home. Many people do not pay attention to this, that the pain in the lower limbs edema and fatigue the end of the day, considering these normal phenomena. Do not pay them to assimilate. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease, you can't get rid of it. So when the first sign of the use the folk from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs, which are listed in this article. If the effect is not, then contact a qualified phlebologist.